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Home of Web Search Diva!

Diva's web video stardom makes her a busy girl with no time to waste searching the web 1 site at a time.

Don't be a Silly Man!

Master the web like Diva. Use batchSEARCH today!

Search up to 15 websites at once

Enter single keywords or lists of keywords

Cut & Paste keyword lists up to 1000 items

Search results in real-time on 1 tab

Table, image, & folder view options

Instant web to Excel conversion

Powerful SEO, SMO & PPC tool

Precise, intuitive comparison shopping

Automated search + RSS result feeds

Get member benefits starting @ $5

Welcome to the Revolution.

Thanks, Diva!

Adding batchSEARCH buttons to your blog or website will open in a new window and let your visitors search websites and keywords by the batch.

The appearance, hover text, and action you see below is exactly what your site visitors will experience.

Add the web's most efficient searching to your site today!  This service is especially useful if your site has been added to our Home page Featured Websites through Enterprise - Add Your Site!

We recommend adding text near the button informing visitors how they can search multiple websites and an entire list of search terms at once - especially if it's your site they want to search by the batch!

To add a button to your site:

1.  Select the color and size you prefer.

2.  To test the action,  hover and then click the button.

3.  Click the associated "Get Code" button and copy the code that appears in the pop-up window.

4.  Paste the code into locations you prefer on your blog or website pages.

48 x 48 Blue Get Code
48 x 48 White Get Code
32 x 32 Blue Get Code
32 x 32 White Get Code